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Bletter v. Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc.

Citation. 290 N.Y.S.2d 59 (N.Y. 1968)
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Brief Fact Summary.

Bletter filed and was awarded a worker’s compensation benefits after he fell and injured himself on the way back from the cafeteria, attempting to perform a dance move.

Synopsis of Rule of Law.

An employee can be awarded workers’ compensation if he is injured during the course of his employment.


Bletter was a textbook editor for Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. (Harcourt), where he fell and injured himself on the way back from the cafeteria, attempting to perform a dance move. Bletter claimed that he attempted the dance move because he enjoyed his job and his coworkers. Bletter filed and was awarded a worker’s compensation benefits and Harcourt appealed.


Whether an employee can be awarded workers’ compensation if he is injured during the course of his employment?


Yes. The award of the worker’s compensation benefit is affirmed. Bletter was performing within the scope of his employment.


An employee is not considered to be deviating from the scope of his employment when he engages in horseplay at the workplace.

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